Faculty Spotlight - October 2022

College of Arts & Sciences: Faculty Spotlight Series

October 2022 - Featuring Dr. Taylor Harvey

Presentation: October 11, 4:30 p.m.  (Doors open at 4:15 p.m.)

Location: Founders Hall, Bernie Beck Lecture Hall
All are welcome to attend. Appetizers and light refreshments will be served!

“Microscopy for Improvement of Semiconductors”

Dr. Harvey’s talk will discuss some of his group’s research on luminescence measurements of semiconductors.

Luminescence map (left) and statistical analysis (right) of a solar cell semiconductor

Abstract Semiconductor materials are central to the electronic devices we use daily, solar cells that provide a growing portion of our energy, and the lighting in our homes. Understanding and improving semiconductors is essential to continue to improve our lives and advance society. Dr. Harvey will discuss how his group utilizes microscopy to understand the properties of semiconductors. These measurements give insight to support research and development, provide quality assurance, and secure semiconductor devices. A brief overview of semiconductors and microscopy will be followed by a discussion of how luminescence data is insightful in semiconductor research and what Dr. Harvey’s group and collaborators have done to increase the efficacy of these data.

Torabi, A.; Sullivan, J.; Reich, C.; Wunch, M.; Garcia, J.A.; Beck, C.; Munshi, A.H.; Shimpi, T.; Roberts, M.; Sampath, W.S.; Harvey, T.B. “Quantitative Cathodoluminescence Mapping: CdMgSeTe Thin Film Case Study,” submitted, 2022.

Dr. Taylor Harvey Taylor Harvey is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Texas A&M University - Central Texas and Texas A&M Engineering Experimental Station (TEES) regional director for Central Texas. He is the lead faculty member for the Mechanical Engineering Technology program at TAMUCT. His primary area of research is semiconductor microscopy on solar cells and integrated circuits. He has published about nanocrystal solar inks, solar cell processing, and photovoltaic characterization as the author or co-author of 14 peer reviewed research articles and one granted patent. Before his current position, Taylor co-founded and led Lucelo Technologies, a printed solar start-up. Taylor received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. Taylor also spent four years as a reservoir engineer in the traditional energy industry.

  • Associate Professor, Engineering