Cyclothymic Disorder


Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Treatment Summary: Help patients understand their moods and the variability. Reduce variability, which helped patients regulate the extremes. When patients are self-aware of their mood issues, type and intensity, they are better prepared to challenge the underlying thoughts and causes. Antidepressants are used, sometimes, but can upset the circadian rhythm. Psychosocial intervention has been used, but focuses on regulating mood or changing behavior. Not holistic.

  • Reference: Peter Totterdell & Stephen Kellet, (2008). Restructuring mood in Cyclothymia using Cognitive Behavior Therapy: An intensive, time-sampling study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 64(4), 501-518.
  • Submitter: James Sweeney

Low-dose quetiapine (35 - 75 mg/day at night)

Treatment Summary: The medical intervention for patients diagnosed with mild cyclothymic temperament, cyclothymic disorder, or hyperthymic temperament is low-doses of quetiapine at 35 mg, 50 mg, and 75mg a day at night. The justification for the use of quetiapine with this population is the possible therapeutic effects on moods, emotional regulation and sleep in patients with mild to moderate symptoms. Historically, quetiapine is an atypical antipsychotic recommended for treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders (dose of 150mg, up to 750 mg/day) which has negligible rates of extrapyramidal side effects and differential effects on depressive systems.

  • Reference: Bisol, L. W., & Lara, D. R. (2010). Low-dose quetiapine for patients withdysregulation of hyperthymic and cyclothymic temperaments. Journal ofPsychophamacology, 24(3). 421-424/ doi:10.1177/02698811097715. Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from PsycINFO
  • Submitter: Donna Lewis