Research Policies

Texas A & M University-Central Texas policies governing research are in accord with policies established by the Texas A&M University System.

Use of Human Subjects

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Texas A&M University System policy specifies that research using human subjects must comply with the ethical principals and standards of the Belmont Report and that all research on human participants must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) before the research begins. Even research involving paper-pencil questionnaires and surveys is subject to IRB review. Failure to receive IRB approval can have serious consequences, including withdrawal of all Federal funding from the university.

Intellectual Property Management and Commercialization

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The Texas A&M University System's intellectual property management and commercialization policy "assures that new ideas, discoveries and technologies arising from research conducted as part of the educational process are used in the best interest of the System's constituents and the public it serves."

Conflict of Interest

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The Texas A&M University's Conflict of Interest policy's "purpose is to protect the credibility and integrity of System researchers and staff, as well as c component universities and agencies themselves, so that public trust and confidence in their sponsored research activities are maintained."

Ethics in Research and Scholarship

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"The credibility of academic research and scholarship depends critically on the integrity with which it is designed, conducted, documented, and communicated.  As institutions of higher education committed to the advancement of scholarship, the System and each of its components are responsible for promoting academic practices that encourage honesty and scientific integrity, and develop rules and procedures for dealing with allegations or other indications of fraud or serious misconduct."

Administration of Sponsored Agreements - Research and Other

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