Disclosure for Greater Texas Foundation Warrior Scholars Program
Funding for the Greater Texas Foundation Warrior Scholars Program is funded by a private grant from Greater Texas Foundation to improve enrollment and baccalaureate degree completion of early college high school graduates with less debt. As a participant in and beneficiary of the program, the following data elements from a student’s education records will be shared with Greater Texas Foundation for the sole purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the grant in achieving desired outcomes.
- Student First Name
- Student Middle Name
- Student Last Name
- Permanent Address
- University Email
- Personal Email
- Mobile Phone
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Race
- Date of Birth
- Father’s Highest Education Level Completed
- Mother’s Highest Education Level Completed
- First Generation Student Status
- Name of Early College High School Attended
- Associate Degree Conferral Date
- Number of Credits Completed at ECHS Graduation
- Number of Credits Applicable to University Degree
- Reasons for Credits Not Applying to University Degree
- GTF Warrior Scholars Status (Active/Inactive)
- Status Inactivation Date (if applicable)
- Reason for Inactivation
- GTF Warrior Scholars Cohort Number
- Incoming Academic Year
- GTF Scholarship Amount
- Pell Amount
- Estimated Family Contribution (as applicable)
- Student Aid Index (as applicable)
- Total Initial Financial Aid Package (Amount & Aid Type)
- University Cost of Attendance
- Student Loan Status & Amount
- Degree Major
- Change of Major (if applicable)
- Degree Minor (if applicable)
- Enrollment Status by Term
- Credits Attempted (by Year)
- Credits Earned (by Year)
- GPA (end of year)
- Academic Standing
- Graduation Date
- Degree Earned
- Associate Degree via Reverse Transfer (yes/no)
- Number of Credits to Degree Completion (if inactivated)
- Total GTF Scholarship Awarded (upon graduation or inactivation)
- Total Student Loan Debt Incurred Upon Graduation or Inactivation