Leadership for Sustainability

Formerly: MS One Planet Leadership

Master of Science

Develop business leadership skills with a focus on sustainability, well-being, social responsibility, & performance excellence. Build management skills for sustainable business development and Triple Bottom Line success.

Availability: On-Campus, Online | Program Length: 30 Hours

We have only one planet with a finite resource base.

MS Leadership for Sustainability:
Leadership for Sustainability

It is estimated that the planet's population will increase from 6.7 to 9 billion in the next 30 years, and that we are currently depleting the world’s resources 1.5-2 times faster than they can be replenished by nature. This is clearly unsustainable, which has given rise to a growing consensus that current business and leadership models based on unbridled growth and consumerism are not viable. In pursuit of maximizing profits, employees, society, and the environment are negatively impacted. The solutions for a sustainable, flourishing world require a new leadership paradigm for building the kind of world we want to live in and that we want future generations to inherit.

Triple Bottom Line Sustainability Success

The Leadership for Sustainability program is focused on Leadership for Sustainability, which is inspired by the belief:

  • That leaders and their organizations should have a higher purpose beyond enriching themselves and financial stakeholders.
  • That in addition to economic success, leaders have responsibility for the well-being of employees, their communities, the socially disenfranchised, and the earth we all inhabit - the triple bottom line or people, planet, and profit.
  • That we should all leave, as part of our legacy, a sustainable, flourishing world for our children, grandchildren, and future generations to come.

The MS Leadership for Sustainability program embraces the call for embedding sustainability principles into leadership graduate education, while challenging students to explore the complex task of creating and leading learning organizations that maximize employee well-being, social responsibility, and performance excellence — the triple bottom line, or People, Planet, and Profit.

As a MS Leadership for Sustainability student, you will cultivate the leadership and management skills essential for sustainable business development and operations. Our emphasis on taking action through global awareness, cross-cultural sensitivity, strong communication skills, creativity and innovative problem-solving, the creation and maintenance of collaborative partnership and productive teams, and the enactment and support of socially responsible behavior will equip you to become a self-aware, sustainability-conscious leader prepared to address the critical economic, social, and environmental issues facing today's organizations.

"The One Planet Leadership program has helped me immensely in my life and career. The program offered me immersive and integrated learning platforms that developed my well-being and understanding which has helped me to be a more impactful leader by unlocking my higher purpose of self where my knowledge and education actively leads positive and sustainable change towards performance excellence in Quality Assurance for my peers, teams, and organization in Acquisitions. Together we can change the world!"
Elizabeth Peninger
A&M-Central Texas Graduate

Marketable Skills

  • Leadership for Sustainability — Establish vision and value congruence in teams and organizations to implement organizational change and sustainable development initiatives in a dynamic and complex business environment
  • Problem Solving — Address operations and service-related sustainability challenges by applying solution-based knowledge and tools for institutional change
  • Organization Design — Build and communicate the case for sustainability, including opportunities and challenges, by conducting and implementing an organization design analysis for sustainable effectiveness
  • Agility — Flexibly navigate the dynamic global context for sustainable development, utilizing critical knowledge, models, methods, and tools inherent in leadership for sustainability
  • Cultural Intelligence — Lead diverse, cross-cultural teams through a common vision and effective interpersonal, problem solving, and communication skills
  • Stakeholder Focus — Identify and address sustainable development issues within a complex internal and external stakeholder environment
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility — Identify key issues and lead organizational initiatives that foster ethical and socially responsible practices for sustainable effectiveness

Program Coordinator

Dr. Jody Fry
Department: Management & Marketing
Professor of Management
Room: FH-217M
View Bio

Dr. Jody Fry

Program Accreditation

AACSB Accredidation Seal

The College of Business Administration is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Schools that have earned AACSB business accreditation demonstrate an ongoing commitment to excellence in teaching, research, curriculum development, and learner success.