Shared Governance
Notice: All Bylaws, Agendas, and Minutes now reside in the University Library Archive system unless otherwise indicated in a council or committees information.
Committee Structures and Membership:
- Download University Committee Structures
- View Membership of Standing University Committees 2023-2024
University Wide
- Accessibility Committee
The Accessibility Committee's charge is to help raise aware of and eliminate barriers to accessibility on campus. This committee provides a forum for addressing barriers that impede constituents or policies that may discriminate against constituents with disabilities on the University campus. The committee would meet monthly to discuss barriers to student education and comprised of faculty, staff, and students.
Accessibility Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Commencement Committee
The Commencement Committee is an advisory and working committee responsible for all graduation ceremonial arrangements, including facilities, music, staging, seating, programs presentation of colors, speakers, and procession of faculty. The committee consists primarily of faculty and staff who help organize the graduation exercise. The chair of the committee reports to the President of the University.
Commencement Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Committee on Committees
The Committee on Committees appoints faculty representatives to university committees, in coordination with the Provost and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The Committee on Committees also advises on the committee structure and the creation of new committees.
- Council for Academic Technology and Innovative Education (CATIE)
CATIE is advisory to the Assistant Vice President for Technology-Enhanced Learning (AVPTEL) in matters related to technology use in the design, development, delivery, and assessment of courses and programs. CATIE is co-chaired by the Director of Institutional Enhancement &s Innovation and the Associate Director of Academic Technology; primary responsibilities that include:
- Making recommendations and advising the processes for policy creation related to the use of technology in teaching and learning
- Making recommendations about the nature and availability of resources
Council for Academic Technology and Innovative Education Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Enterprise Applications Steering Committee
Charge Update Pending
Enterprise Applications Steering Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Export Control Committee
The Export Control Committee is charged to ensure appropriate rules and procedures are in place to protect against the improper release of data or information. The Export Control Committee also ensures proper rules and procedures are in place for Intellectual Property rights.
Export Control Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Faculty Scholarship & Research Committee
The Faculty Scholarship and Research Committee is responsible for:
- The administration of funds to be allocated to individuals, faculty groups, or departments for activities or projects that enhance faculty development, and
- Oversight of the IRB, IACUC, IBC and Export Control Committees in relationship to TAMUS Policies, TAMUCT Rules and TAMUCT SAPs.
In relation to #1: The committee shall encourage and support all tenured and tenure track faculty to actively propose a scholarly agenda. The committee encourages proposals from all faculty members, including department heads, and provides up to $2,000 in funds for activities that relate to the enhancement of scholarship, research, or teaching skills. This generally means participation in academic and scholarly research conferences. The committee reviews proposals for faculty development activities and provides grants based on the merits of the proposed projects. Priority will be given to faculty members who are presenting papers and workshop or hold major leadership roles in the academic or scholarly association and its conferences. When funds allow support may be extended to individual faculty members to participate in more than one event per academic year. The committee shall conduct an initial review of funding requests early in the fall semester, with other review processes as needed through the year. Faculty who receive support are required to submit a report following the faculty development activity describing the benefits gained from the experience and may be asked to participate in a presentation. The committee reports to the President through the Associate Vice President for Research.
Reporting Committees
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) - Chair: Dr. Anitha Chennamaneni
- Export Control Committee - Chair: Dr. Jeff Kirk
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) - Chair: Dr. Laura Erlandson
- Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) - Chair: Dr. Walter Murphy
Associated Committees
- Graduate Council
- Research Compliance
Faculty Scholarship and Research Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is the representative assembly of the faculty, and as such serves a crucial role in the shared governance of the University. It acts as an advisory body to the President of the University, expressing the voice and will of the faculty with regard to all faculty-related matters such as promotion & tenure, curriculum, academic program review, workload, etc.
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes (University Digital Archives)
Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws (University Digital Archives)
- Institutional Review Board
The Institutional Review Board of Texas A&M University - Central Texas is charged with overseeing all research conducted by the University to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects and support the institution's research mission.
- Parking & Transportation Committee
The Parking and Transportation Committee serves in an advisory role to the Chief of Police at TAMUCT. The committee advises on a full range of issues related to parking and transportation on campus.
- Staff Council
The Staff Council shall represent the staff of Texas A&M University - Central Texas in all matters of general interest to staff employees: including matters raised by Council representatives or committees, by the president of the university, and through petition by any full-time and part-time staff employee. The Council is the principal means of communication between the staff and the administration of the university. The Council shall be empowered to act for and on behalf of the staff and shall express the opinion of the staff on all matters laid before the Council.
Staff Council Minutes (University Digital Archives)
Staff Council Constitution and By-Laws (University Digital Archives)
- Student Affairs Advisory Fee Committee
The Student Affairs Advisory Fee Committee allows for students to formally give input and advice in the ongoing delivery of student support and campus life programs and to serve as the Student Affairs Advisory Fee Committee.
The fee committee is mandated by law (Texas Education Code 54.5031). It advises the President on the type, amount, and expenditure of student services fees for the next academic year.
Student Affairs Advisory Fee Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Student Government Association
The Student Government Association presents student concerns to the university administration. Members are students elected by students to represent the students of the various colleges on campus.
- University Assessment Committee
The University Assessment Committee provides leadership for the direction and support of university and academic program effectiveness, assessment and improvement. The committee is chaired by the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment
The committee is charged with providing recommendations to the Associate Vice Provost of Academic Affairs relating to:
- The administration of academic and administrative program reviews and assessments
- The evaluation of the quality of assessment plans and reports
University Assessment Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- University Council
The University Assessment Committee provides leadership for the direction and support of university and academic program effectiveness, assessment and improvement. The committee is chaired by the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment
The committee is charged with providing recommendations to the Associate Vice Provost of Academic Affairs relating to:
- The administration of academic and administrative program reviews and assessments
- The evaluation of the quality of assessment plans and reports
University Council Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- University Technology Advisory Council
The University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC) is advisory to the Chief Information Officer in matters related to technology services and support at TAMUCT. Primary responsibilities include:
- Making recommendations and advising on policy creation for technology related services and support
- Making recommendations and providing feedback about the nature and availability of technology related resources university-wide
- Reviewing proposed projects and procurements that require IT resources and making recommendations regarding collaboration, prioritization and impact to the University.
UTAC is chaired by the Chief Information Officer
University Technology Advisory Council Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- University Wellness Committee
The Wellness Committee meets to reduce health risks and enhance the quality of life through educational programs, activities, and outreach initiatives. The committee collaboratively creates a culture of wellbeing by encouraging individuals to live a healthier lifestyle and supporting a healthy campus community. The committee meets to compile data, coordinate initiatives, review programs, and complete the biennial alcohol and other drug report on even years.
University Wellness Committee (University Digital Archives)
Office of the Provost
- Academic Advising Committee
The Academic Advising Committee evaluates and makes recommendations to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs in areas affecting the academic advisement of students. A primary responsibility of the committee includes making recommendations that assure an effective system for improving the quality of advisement at Texas A&M University-Central Texas. The committee also facilitates a flow of information among faculty, students, administration and support services staff about University requirements and academic advisement.
The committee is chaired by the Director of Enrollment Management.
Academic Advising Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Academic Council
- Academic Advising Committee
The Academic Council oversees all academic and student affairs related matters. The council approves/establishes requirements for admission to, or continuance in the university, sets conduct standards for faculty and students, and defines policies and general regulations in the interest of students' welfare and the excellence of instructional offerings. All recommendations from Academic Council are sent to the President for review and approval.
Academic Council Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Accessibility Committee
- Academic Workload Committee
The Academic Workload Committee reviews proposals for workload credit for scholarship and reviews the end of semester reports on progress of the scholarship of those awarded workload credits. This committee reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
- Behavior Intervention Team
The Behavioral Intervention Team meets regularly to assess, intervene, and/or provide timely resources and support for students displaying concerning behavior or experiencing problems that might lead to disruptive or dangerous behaviors.
- Graduate Council
The role of the Graduate Council is to provide advice and counsel to the President of TAMUCT. The Council reviews all matters of policy relating to the graduate programs offered by the university. The Council's responsibilities include maintaining and monitoring the quality of existing graduate programs, reviewing and recommending new graduate courses and programs, serving as a liaison between the administration and the faculty, and approving membership in the graduate faculty. The role of the graduate council will also include the review, modification, and potential development of graduate studies procedures, policies, and rules.
Graduate Council Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Library Committee
The Library Committee serves as an information link between the library and the academic departments. It considers all aspects of library services and advises the library administration and employees on maintaining and improving service. It also makes recommendations concerning changes in library policy and, if warranted, sends those recommendations through normal administrative channels for further action. The Library Committee reports to the Provost.
Library Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Post Tenure Committee
The Post Tenure Review Committee has oversight of the post tenure review process and reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. All faculty members serving on the committee must hold tenure.
- Scholarship Selection Committee
The Scholarship Selection Committee reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. It administers institutional scholarships except those specifically assigned to another body; assures that the students' best interests are served in rewarding academic performance; acts as mediator in terms of available scholarships; and, when necessary, interprets the wishes and intent of benefactors.
- Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
The Strategic Enrollment Management Committee (SEMC) is responsible for recommendations of procedures, evaluation, assessment, planning, and advising on strategies, goals and objectives related to enrollment management. The SEMEC's work should focus on research, analysis, marketing, recruitment, and retention. This Council is chaired by the Director of Enrollment Management. The committee reports to the Provost.
Strategic Enrollment Management Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- Student Service Fee Advisory Committee
The institution charges the Student Service Fee, as defined by Texas Education Code, Section 54.503, to all currently enrolled students per semester credit hour. This fee requires that a special committee, as defined by Texas Education Code, Section 54.5031, that is representative of the entire institution to "advise the governing board and administration of the institution on the type, amount, and expenditure of compulsory fees for student services."
- University Curriculum Council
The University Curriculum Committee is a working group that
- develops criteria and procedures to evaluate proposed courses and curricula in terms of their contribution to the objectives of the University and the needs of the state;
- periodically examines existing courses and curricula as to their contributions to the objectives of the University and the needs of the state and recommends indicated changes to the appropriate departments;
- studies courses and curricula in light of legislative and Coordinating Board directives concerning small classes, interdisciplinary programs, and the objectives of the institution; and
- generally is responsible for reviewing the recommendations from the school curriculum committees and for recommending courses that meet university curriculum requirements.
- Graduate curriculum matters should be sent to the chair of the University Curriculum Committee to be assigned a number and for review by the Graduate Council
- Undergraduate curriculum matters should be sent to the chair of the University Curriculum Committee to be assigned a number and for consideration by the University Curriculum Committee. Approved items are reported to the Faculty Council on Undergraduate Learning.
The Curriculum Committee has two subcommittees: The Writing Intensive Committee and the Core Committee.
University Curriculum Committee Minutes (University Digital Archives)
- University Promotion and Tenure Committee
The University Promotion and Tenure Committee evaluates and ranks candidates for promotion and tenure at the University Level and recommends to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs whether each candidate's tenure or promotion be approved or denied. All faculty serving on the committee must hold tenure.