Levi McClendon Profile

Photo of Mr.  Levi McClendon

Dr. McClendon

  • Department: Counseling and Psychology
  • School Counselor Education Preparation Program Coordinator| Assistant Professor
  • Room: WH-318E
  • Email: lmcclendon@tamuct.edu

Dr. McClendon is a Licensed Professional Counselor, National Board Certified Counselor, National Certified School Counselor, and a certified school counselor and teacher through the Texas State Board of Educator Certification. Dr. McClendon has 10 years of counseling experience in various settings: elementary, middle, high schools, non-profit counseling centers, and group private practice. Dr. McClendon is a full time tenure-track assistant professor teaching counseling, school counseling, and play therapy graduate classes. He has a Bachelor’s of Arts with a Double Major in Psychology and Health & Kinesiology, a Master of Arts in Professional School Counseling, both from The University of Texas at Tyler, and a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Texas San Antonio.

Lifetime Learner:
Professional development is of pivotal importance to Dr. McClendon. He is currently completing training requirements for the Registered Play Therapist (RPT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) certifications. Dr. McClendon was recently elected Senator for the board of the Texas School Counselor Association and is member of several counseling associations including: Texas Counseling Association, Texas School Counselor Association, Association for Play Therapy, Texas Play Therapy Association, Capital of Texas Counseling Association, and Central Texas Play Therapy Association.

Current and Previous Counseling Experience:
Dr. McClendon is part of a small group counseling practice and sees clients ages 3+ to late adulthood. He has clinical experience working with a variety of individuals spanning various concerns. Dr. McClendon’s trauma experience is primarily working with survivors of sexual trauma. Dr. McClendon adheres to an Adlerian counseling framework, which asserts that all people strive toward connecting with others. With children, Dr. McClendon uses a Child Centered Play Therapy framework where the therapist assists the child in learning new ways of being.

Research Interest:
Dr. McClendon research interests include comprehensive school counseling programs, professional school counselor supervision, utilizing Adlerian Counseling Theory in School Counselor Education, and play therapy in schools. Dr. McClendon welcomes student participation in writing and publishing his research.

Courses Taught:
Dr. McClendon has taught several counseling courses at Texas A & M University – Central Texas including: Methods and Practices of Counseling, Consultation and Supervision, School Counseling Practicum, Mental Health Counseling Internship, Substance Abuse Counseling, Play Therapy, Sandtray Therapy, and Behavior Management and Therapy

Selected Publications:

Morgan, L.W., McClendon, L. S., McCarty, J., & Zinck, K. (2016). Supporting every child: School counselors’ perceptions of juvenile sex offenders in schools. Journal of School Counseling, 14(1), 1-37.

Robertson, D., Lloyd-Hazlett, J., Zambrano, E., & McClendon, L. S. (2016). Program Directors’ Perceptions on School Counselor Roles. Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, and Research, 43(2), 1-13.

Manuscripts in Progress:

McClendon, L. S., & Watts, R. (2020). An Adlerian Consultation model for university school counselor field supervisors. Manuscript submitted for publication.

McClendon, L.S., Garza, Y., Arkay-Sullvian, S., & Mitchell, K. (2020). Prompting Change: Utilizing the Transtheoretical Model in Sandtray.

Selected Presentations:

McClendon, L. S., Prichard, L. (2020, February 10) Not being heard? The use of sandtray to build strong and supportive relationships with students and school stakeholders. Texas School Counselor Association. San Antonio, Texas.

McClendon, L. S., Robinson, M., & Kasem, J. (2019, February 10) Adlerian consultation in schools: A model to solve teacher/parent woes. Texas School Counselor Association Pre-conference. San Antonio, Texas.

McClendon, L. S., Sampson, S., Cox., E., & Zambrano, E. (2017, March 19). Gaining professional school counseling competence through supervision. Content presentation will be presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Conference. San Francisco, California.

McClendon, L. S. (2016, November 10). Bullying: An international public health concern. Content presentation presented at the meeting of Universidad de Iberoamerica International Education Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica.