Malin Lilley Profile

Photo of Dr.  Shelley Harris

Malin Lilley, Ph.D.

Dr. Malin Lilley is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Counseling and Psychology Department at Texas A&M University - Central Texas. She completed her bachelor’s degree in behavioral neuroscience with a minor in biology at Colgate University. She then earned a master’s and Ph.D. in Brain and Behavior Science (Experimental Psychology) from The University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Lilley has taught a variety of courses including Behavioral Research Methods, Statistics, Writing in Psychology, Psychology Major Seminar, Lifespan Development, Human Sexuality, and Comparative Psychology.

Dr. Lilley’s research focuses on marine mammal behavior and cognition and, most recently, the development of social interactions in beluga whales. Another area of interest for Dr. Lilley is studying how students’ personal and professional goals are impacted by their social identity (e.g., being a first-generation college student). For Dr. Lilley’s most current work, please see Students (both undergraduate and master’s level) are welcome to contact Dr. Lilley via email ( regarding current research opportunities.

Selected Publications

Huynh, H. P., Wicks, A., Raya, A., Castellanos, I., Weatherford, D. R., & Lilley, M. K. (2024).
Social comparison processes of Hispanic students at Hispanic majority institutions. Psychological Reports,

Ham, J. R., Lilley, M. K., & Hill, H. M. (2023). Non-conceptive sexual behavior in cetaceans: comparison of form and function. In B. Wursig & D. Orbach (Eds.) Sex in cetaceans, (pp. 129-152). Springer.

Manitzas Hill, H. M., Dudzinski, K. M., Lilley, M. K., & Ham, J. R. (2023). Sexual behaviors of odontocetes in managed care. In B. Wursig & D. Orbach (Eds.) Sex in cetaceans (pp. 173-198). Springer, Cham.

Huynh, H., Sifuentes, K., & Lilley, M. (2023). Context matters: Stress for minority students who attend minority-majority universities. Psychological Reports, 126(1), 246-264.

Lilley, M. K., Ham, J. R., Manitzas Hill, H. M. (2022). Observations of courtship in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas).
Aquatic Mammals, 48(6).

Lilley, M. K., Ham, J. R., Miller, M. R., Kolodziej, K., Hill, H. M. (2022). Investigation of lateralization of socio-sexual behavior in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). Behavioural Processes.

Lilley, M., De Vere, A., & Yeater, D. (2020). Laterality of eye use by bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) and rough-toothed (Steno bredanensis) dolphins while viewing predictable and unpredictable stimuli. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 33.

Lilley, M., Ham, J., & Hill, H. (2020). The development of socio-sexual behavior in beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) under human care. Behavioural Processes, 171.