Jeffrey Kirk Profile

Photo of Dr. Jeffrey Kirk

Jeff Kirk, Ph.D.

Dr. Jeff Kirk currently serves as the Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation for Texas A&M University-Central Texas and strategically guides all aspects of academic research, promoting a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment that enhances the university's reputation for scholarly achievement.

Dr. Kirk holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and a certificate of advanced studies in educational research from The University at Albany, an MEd from the University of Oklahoma in Instructional Psychology and Technology, a bachelor’s degree in management studies from the University of Maryland, and an associate degree in liberal studies from Regents College. He served in the United States Army for more than 30 years and held every leadership position from team leader to command sergeant major. His final active-duty assignment was as the Command Sergeant Major United States Military Academy, where he served as the senior enlisted advisor to the Superintendent, USMA.

Dr. Kirk joined Tarleton State University-Central Texas in the fall of 2005 and assisted in the transition to Texas A&M University-Central Texas in May of 2009.

In addition to serving as an associate professor in the Department of Counseling and Psychology, Dr. Kirk was the Founding Dean of the College of Education, Associate Provost, and Senior Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dean of the College of Education and Human Development.

Dr. Kirk’s interests are in program evaluation, behavioral statistics, testing and assessment, and the history of psychology.

Selected Publications

Jones, T., Casey, J.E., Vasek, A., Kirk, J., Kuklies, K., & Blassingame, J., (2023). Addressing the teacher shortage crisis: One regional university’s approach to mobilizing a response to partnering school districts. TxEP: Texas Educator Preparation, 7(2), 106-112.

Casey, J. E., Kirk, J. & McClendon, L. (2023, Winter). Understanding preservice teachers’ perceptions of service-learning when teaching educational technology to students with exceptionalities. Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education, 16, 80-92.

Casey, J.E., Kirk, J., Kuklies, K., & Mireles, S.V. (2022). Using the technology acceptance model to assess how preservice teachers feel about virtual reality in K-12 classrooms: A case study. Education and Information Technologies, 28, 2361-2382.

Northrup, J.C., Lapierre, C.B., Kirk, J., & Rae, C. (2015). The internet process addiction test: Screening for addictions to processes facilitated by the internet. Behavioral Sciences, 5(3), 341-352.

Russell, B. A., Kirk, J. L., Eddins, B. J., & Farris, L. A. (2013). Growing PreK–12 educators through a partnership of school districts and a regional university. Journal of School Public Relations, 34(4), 384-401.

Eddins, B., Kirk, J., Hooten, D., & Russell, B. (2013). Utilization of 360-degree feedback in program assessment: Data support for improvement of principal preparation. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 31(1), 5-19.

Eddins, B., Farris, A. Russell, B., & Kirk, J. (2013). Ethics tools anchored by action learning: A praxis framework for collaborative decision making. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 30(3), 6-19.