Angie Griffin Profile

Dr. Angie Griffin
- Department: Science and Mathematics
- Assistant Professor in Aviation Science
- Room: HH-302D
Angie Griffin , Ph.D. teaches aviation science, focusing on professional pilot and aviation management courses. Griffin is a passionate aviator with FAA certifications in commercial rotor, rotor certified flight instructor, ASEL, and Drone 107. She teaches Crew Resource Management, Leadership, Aviation Safety, Sustainability, History, and Instruction courses, among others. She loves working with passionate aviators and aviation enthusiasts. Griffin is a consultant with the National Institute for STEM Education and a past board member with FlyQuest, a nonprofit teaching underserved students about aviation careers. She is also a member of the 99's, Women in Aviation, Helicopter Association Inc., University Aviation Association, and the Whirly-Girls.
Griffin earned a BS in Education at Stephen F. Austin State University, an MA in Psychology at The University of West Georgia, and an Ed.S. in Education Leadership from Columbus State University. She is in the final stages of her doctoral program, exploring how high-performing female aviators use resilience. She is a past superintendent and principal in k-12 schools and owned a corporate helicopter company.