Resources for Institutional Research and Assessment

American Association of Colleges and Universities

Based in Washington DC, AAC&U is a higher education association of nearly 420 public colleges, universities, and systems. Its members share a learning and teaching-centered culture, a historic commitment to underserved student populations, and a dedication to research and creativity that advances their regions' economic progress and cultural development.

Association for Institutional Research

The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) supports higher education professionals in the collection, analysis, interpretation, and communication of data, and the strategic use of information for effective decision making and planning. AIR provides resources, innovative practices, and professional development opportunities for AIR members and the higher education community, including professionals from institutional research, effectiveness, assessment, planning, and related fields.

College Navigator

College Navigator links students, faculty, staff, parents, and legislators to nearly 7,000 colleges and universities in the United States.

Gainful Employment Report

On October 29, 2010, the Department of Education published regulations that required institutions of higher education to post information regarding students enrolled in Title IV eligible programs leading to gainful employment. The report lists the occupations educational programs prepare students to enter. Additionally, the publication includes the on-time graduation rate for students completing the program, tuition and fees, cost of books and supplies, median loan debt incurred by students who completed the program, and job placement rate for students completing the program.

Texas Higher Education Almanac

A profile of state and institutional performance and characteristics.

IPEDS Data Center

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System gathers information from every university, college, and higher education institution to ensure that the institution maintains accreditation.


The AAC&U's Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) initiative sponsors the VALUE rubrics to contribute to the national dialogue on assessment of college student learning. Since the initial release of the rubrics, more than thirty-two thousand first time individuals have visited the VALUE website between June 2010 and January 2014. The VALUE rubrics have been viewed at more than fifty-six hundred discrete institutions, including schools, higher education associations, and more than thirty-three hundred colleges and universities in the United States and around the world.

Legislative Budget Board (LBB)

The Legislative Budget Board (LBB) was created in 1949 by Senate Bill 387, passed by the Legislature that same year. The impetus for the creation of the LBB was twofold: higher state government expenditures after the end of World War II; and a recommendation from the State Auditor's office for the creation of a legislative committee for the continuous review of state spending. The legislation required all state agencies to submit their budget requests to the LBB for review and recommendations.

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) formed in 2008 with a mission to discover and disseminate ways that academic programs and institutions can productively use assessment data internally to inform and strengthen undergraduate education and externally to communicate with policymakers, families, and other stakeholders.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations and is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences. NCES fulfills a Congressional mandate to collect, collate, analyze, and report complete statistics on the condition of American education; conduct and publish reports; and review and report on education activities internationally. 

National Student Clearing House

The National Student Clearinghouse is the nation's trusted source for education verification and student outcomes research.

Texas A&M University System Analytics

The "Analytics" site houses data about current student enrollment, graduation rates, degrees awarded, and financial metrics for all universities within The Texas A&M System. These metrics are essential tools Texas A&M System institutions use to identify strengths and challenges, using this information to enact change to enhance student success.

Texas Crews-Texas Consumer Resource for Education and Workforce Statistics

The Texas Consumer Resource for Education and Workforce Statistics (Texas CREWS) is an interactive dashboard tool providing comparative information about Texas public 2-year and 4-year postsecondary institutions. By evaluating programs and institutions based on resultant wages and student loan levels, Texas CREWS will allow parents and students to make informed decisions about college and get the best return on their educational investment.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Accountability System

The Higher Education Accountability System is used to track performance on critical measures that exemplify higher education institutions' missions.

Texas Higher Education Data Center is Texas' primary source for statistics on higher education and includes numerous reports that link K-12 and workforce data with students in higher education.

The site contains reports, statistics, queries, interactive tools, and downloadable data, with links on enrollment and success, course and facilities inventories, interactive institutional locator maps, and degrees offered. Many data tables are available by race/ethnicity and gender.

Higher education data on the site is submitted and certified by higher education institutions. The most extensive data concerns public institutions. However, independent and for-profit institutions also report some data to THECB. Data sharing agreements with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) allows for matching and tracking of students' progress.

Texas Association for Institutional Research (TAIR)

The Association 1) fosters unity and cooperation among persons having interests and activities related to institutional research, planning, evaluation, policy analysis, and institutional effectiveness in Texas institutions of postsecondary education; 2) disseminates information and exchanging ideas on issues and concerns of common interest; and 3) continues professional development of individuals engaged in institutional research, planning, evaluation, institutional effectiveness, and policy analysis.

Texas Association for Higher Education Assessment (TxAHEA)

The Association's goal is to bring together higher education professionals across Texas and the surrounding areas to share innovative practices and strategies related to planning, assessment, and accreditation. The Association benefits from attendance and participation by diverse faculty, staff, and administrators from a variety of institutions—public/private, community colleges, health-related programs, and four-year universities.

THECB Exit Cohort Report

The Automated Student and Adult Learner Follow-Up System (ASALFS) tracks graduates, completers, and non-returners from an academic year for employment and additional education. The data presented in the exit cohort reports provide additional information for Texas public 2-year and 4-year institutions. Exit cohort reports are also available for career schools and colleges and private and out-of-state public postsecondary institutions operating in Texas under a Certificate of Authority or a Certificate of Authorization.

U.S. Census Bureau

The United States Census Bureau is a U.S. Government agency that serves as the primary source of data about America's economy and people.

U.S. Department of Education

The U.S. Department of Education is the agency of the federal government that establishes policy for, administers, and coordinates most federal assistance to education.